Canyon View Ranch offers Tips for Housetraining your Dog.
Dogs are creatures of habit. Get them in the habit of going outside to potty as often as possible. Yelling at the dog will only confuse him. He doesn’t understand that it’s not what he did but where he did it that made you angry. Clean up the mess while saying in a firm voice, “Not in the house.” Bring your dog and the soiled paper towel outside and place the towel on the ground where you want him to potty. Say “GOOD DOG, go potty OUTSIDE” as you pat your hand around the paper towel. Bring your dog back inside and as he crosses the threshold, say, “IN THE HOUSE” so he begins to understand what those words mean. Repeat the above two or three times for faster results. (Use “Not in the house” rather than “inside” since it sounds too much like “outside” to your dog.) The best times to take your dog outside are first thing in the morning; 20-30 minutes after meals, puppies right after eating; soon after drinking water; immediately after a burst of excitement; when you come home; and right before bedtime. There are many effective methods for housetraining. Canyon View Ranch offers dog training programs to help you communicate with your best friend and solve those annoying problems before they turn into habits.
Puppy Problems? Canyon View Ranch offers training solutions.
They’re cute, but they leak! Some puppies will not get full bladder control until 3-6 months. So the slightest excitement (such as you coming home) may make the puppy pee. In most cases, this will stop when the puppy gets older – usually by the end of the first year. In the meantime, try to be very low-key when arriving home. If your dog is peeing because he or she is frightened or submissive, try slowly introducing your puppy to new people and experiences. This socialization can help your puppy gain more confidence and help to stop the leak. Don’t lose your temper. You wouldn’t expect a newborn baby to know how to “hold it” until he or she is older, so don’t expect your puppy to know how to either. Canyon View Ranch offers private consultations and dog training to help you and your new friend get off on the right foot and paw.
Never mind the dog, train the Family at Canyon View Ranch.
Group classes, private obedience work or an extended stay at a facility, it doesn’t matter what kind of training a dog receives, as soon as he returns home he’ll remember what he used to get away with. Dogs are eager to test limits for the sake of simple curiosity, adventure, or good old against-the-rules fun. So, as an owner, what should your mantra be? Consistency. If your dog is being trained professionally, make sure that you and every member of your family fully understand how to deliver and enforce commands so your dog isn’t confused with everyone using different commands.
- Follow through – never give a command without following through with it.
- Consistency – use the proper hand signal with the command. If your hand signal is wrong, you’ll be sending mixed messages to your dog. Everyone must use the same commands and hand signals.
- Be a calm, yet firm owner – don’t get over-excited when your dog does something wrong or is not listening to you. Use your voice and body language to say “stop it, and stop it NOW.” This is especially important when your dog shows signs of aggression. For more information on dog training and care, call Canyon View Ranch in Topanga, at (310) 455-7897.
Summer Tips from
Canyon View Ranch
Keeping Canines Cool
“I’m only going to run into the store for just a few minutes,” you say, leaving the car windows cracked because you’ve heard that ventilation keeps a dog safe in the heat. Under California’s blazing sun, however, the best intentions can put your pet in peril before you’ve even reached the cashier. We can’t overstate that it is never a good idea to leave your dog in the car. The sun constantly moves and shaded areas can become a deathtrap in a matter of minutes. If you do notice a dog in a car during hot weather, report it immediately to 911 or local Animal Care and Control. When walking your dog, be aware of the temperature of the ground and ask yourself how it would feel to you if you were barefoot. Dog’s pads are tough but they can still burn from walking on hot surfaces. Always be sure to have access to water for your dog. Unlike children, they can’t tell you when they’re thirsty. Bring along a collapsible water dish and an extra bottle for your buddy too.